Till fraud happens every day.

Working closely with our @ICRTouch EPoS software suppliers, we have a free 2 month trial for Touchoffice Web available along with a free downloadable guide designed to help businesses reduce the risk of till fraud.

Areas include:

Who is at risk?
Don’t take the ‘End of Day’ report for granted.
Types of Fraud
What to look out for
Understanding your TouchPoint report
Using TouchOffice Web management software


Types of Fraud include:

Handouts to friends and family
Not tracking items through the EPoS
Short changing customers
Skimming ‘paid outs’ or Petty cash
Non-turnover clerk
Customer accounts, gift cards and loyalty schemes
Taking stock for personal use
Over tabs

For the free guide and a free trial of Touchoffice Web, just email: sales@dhbs.co.uk or use the contact page: